EU member states and its institutions have provided Ukraine with military equipment worth €28 billion. According to Borrell, the meeting of defense ministers raised the issue of commitments to further assist Ukraine in 2024.
"According to the list provided by the member states, we are talking about 21 billion euros for military support for Ukraine, which is included in the budgets for 2024."
The EU diplomat clarified that €21 billion is the minimum, as not all countries have yet provided data on their plans to help Ukraine this year.
Since March 2023, Ukraine has received only a third of the promised number of shells, or about 330,000. Another 200,000 will be delivered by March, making up half of the million planned to be provided. The ammunition will be supplied both from the stockpiles of EU member states and through procurement.
The EU expects to reach the promised goal of 1 million munitions by the end of 2024.
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