Ukraine shows one of the best improvements in global Corruption Perceptions Index rating

Ukraine has demonstrated one of the best results in the world in the "Corruption Perceptions Index" compiled by Transparency International for the year 2023, Rubryka reports, citing the study.

"Ukraine scored 36 points out of 100 in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI); now our country ranks 104th out of 180 countries. Ukraine's growth by 3 points is one of the best results in the world over the past year. Ukraine is also one of the 17 countries in this year's CPI that have shown their best performance ever," the statement reads.

Algeria, Brazil, and Serbia also scored 36 points in this year's survey. Ukraine is surpassed by Albania, Argentina, Belarus, Gambia, Ethiopia, and Zambia, all scoring 37 points.

With one point less than Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Nepal, Panama, Sierra Leone, and Thailand follow.

Denmark tops the list with 90 points, followed by Finland with 87 points, New Zealand with 85 points, and Norway with 84 points.

The bottom performers in this year's survey remain unchanged. Somalia lost 1 point and ranked last in 180th place with 11 points. Russia is ranked 141st.

Ukraine rose in the Corruption Perceptions Index ranking compiled by Transparency International for the year 2022. At that time, Ukraine ranked 116th out of 180 countries, scoring 33 points.

As reported, over 55% of Ukrainian citizens seek the fastest possible punishment for corrupt officials, even if it means breaking the law.

The second wave of sociological surveys shows that corruption and war remain the country's main problems in the opinion of Ukrainian citizens. Moreover, corruption in the context of future recovery concerns the population even more than the repetition of military actions.

The Ukrainian delegation led by the Head of the National Anti-Corruption Agency, Oleksandr Novikov, visited the United States as part of the 10th session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

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