Russia has launched over 330 missiles and nearly 600 drones at Ukraine since the beginning of 2024

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that since the beginning of the year, Russia has launched over 330 rockets and approximately 600 combat drones over Ukrainian cities.

He wrote on X that control over Ukrainian airspace becomes even more important, Rubryka reports.

"Russia has launched over 330 missiles of various types and approximately 600 combat drones at Ukrainian cities since the beginning of the year," the president said. "To withstand such terrorist pressure, a sufficiently strong air shield is required. And this is the type of air shield we are building with our partners." 

He stressed Ukraine needs to control its airspace, which is also critically important for ensuring security on the ground, from front-line positions to hospitals and schools in the rear.

"Air defense and electronic warfare are our top priorities. Russian terror must be defeated — this is achievable," the Ukrainian leader said.

As reported, Zelensky discussed new agreements with partners to strengthen Ukraine's air defense in December.

Recent mass attacks on Ukraine on December 29 and January 2

As reported by Rubryka, Russian troops on December 29 launched a massive aerial attack on Ukraine. Overnight, invaders attacked with kamikaze drones and rockets. The Russians used about 160 air attack means, and a number of regions were affected. Air defense destroyed 27 drones and 88 cruise missiles, Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55.

On December 29, several regions were affected. In Kharkiv, as a result of a missile strike, three people were killed, and another 11 were injured. Due to the Russian rocket attack in Lviv, one person was killed. Eight were injured.

In Dnipro, the Russia shelling damaged a maternity hospital, with seven killed and 30 injured. In Odesa, as a result of the Russian rocket attack, there were five deaths and 32 injuries.

Russia also attacked another city — Zaporizhzhia. Enterprises, high-rise buildings, and a private house were hit. Nine people were killed, and they were injured.

On January 2, in the morning, a series of powerful explosions occurred in Kyiv. Occupiers launched ballistic missiles at the capital.

According to Kyiv City State Administration, air defense forces downed all attack drones, over 60 Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 missiles, and about a dozen "Kinzhal" rockets near Kyiv. The air alarm lasted almost six hours.

In Kyiv and the region, two people died from Russian rockets each. In the capital, 54 people were injured, including one child. Multi-story residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were damaged.

Kharkiv also came under a massive rocket attack. A 91-year-old woman died from shelling, and more than 50 people were injured.

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