Kirby reiterated the need to urgently resume funding for Ukraine. The aid package for Ukraine was approved on December 27 and is now the last project for which the government has the authority to implement.
"That's why it's so important for us to get additional funding…for new assistance to Ukraine so that we can continue it, because it's clear that Russia continues to strike civilian infrastructure and wage war in Ukraine."
He was also asked whether peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow were possible. Kirby replied that the US has adopted a policy of supporting initiatives that come from the Ukrainian leadership.
The State Department had published Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's minutes with President Volodymyr Zelensky. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Jake Sullivan was also present.
The Ukrainian formula for peace includes guarantees of radiation, nuclear, food, and energy security.
Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen said that his country supports the Ukrainian formula for peace.
France may take the lead on the nuclear safety clause of the formula.
The European Commission chief said that the peace formula should become a starting point for ending the war in Ukraine.
The EU also supports Ukraine's peace formula and is holding a summit to begin implementing its points.
According to President Volodymyr Zelensky, negotiations with Russia will become relevant only when Russia is ready to accept the Peace Formula.
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