Photo: Reuters
The American leader reminded that two months ago, he had instructed a White House team to begin negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators to resolve the crisis at the border.
"What has been agreed upon, if passed into law, will be the toughest and fairest set of border security reforms ever undertaken in our country," Biden said.
The US President also reminded that the White House's request for additional funding, which was sent back in October, included funds for border security, such as appointment of border guards, judges and asylum officers, and counter-smuggling equipment.
"If you are serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill, and I will sign it."
The US has run out of money to finance military aid to Ukraine, so Biden has requested over $100 billion from Congress, including more than $60 billion for Ukraine.
There are currently disagreements in Congress over this package, as Republicans demand that proposals to strengthen border security, particularly with Mexico, be added. Biden's request has not yet been approved.
On January 17, Biden discussed providing financial and military support to Ukraine with representatives of both houses of Congress, calling for the prompt approval of a $61.3 billion aid package for Ukraine and emphasizing the importance of strengthening border protection against illegal migrants from Mexico.
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