Ukraine and Denmark to hold defense forum on drone production
Ukraine and Denmark will jointly hold a Ukrainian-Danish defense industry forum with a focus on drone production, the foreign ministry reports.
At a joint press conference with Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Kuleba said that Ukraine and Denmark will hold a defense industry forum.
"Denmark has a serious potential in drone production. We have agreed that the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, together with the Ministries of Defense and Strategic Industries, will organize a Ukrainian-Danish Defense Industries Forum. We will focus on the development of joint projects for the production of drones, taking into account Denmark's special capabilities in this area."
The head of Ukrainian diplomacy also thanked his Danish counterpart for assurances that preparations for the transfer of F-16 aircraft by Denmark are going according to plan and there are no threats to disrupt the program.
"Denmark is keeping its word, and the F-16s that Denmark was the first to promise will be in our airspace, helping us to defend our country. This was also a historic step, and, as they say, everything is going according to plan."
Kuleba noted that in the summer there will be a NATO summit in Washington and the goals of the summit should be discussed now.
Нагадаємо, що Україна проводить Форум оборонних індустрій. У ньому беруть участь як вітчизняні, такі і іноземні виробники зброї.
Як відомо, 252 оборонні компанії із понад 30 країн світу долучилися до участі у першому Форумі оборонних індустрій в Києві.
Захід покликаний зафіксувати досягнення нашого оборонно-промислового комплексу та розглянути те, що може додати до можливостей, зокрема через створення нових виробництв в Україні.
Відомо, у Форумі беруть участь щонайменше 165 оборонних компаній з 26 країн.
Ukraine is hosting the Defense Industries Forum. It is attended by both domestic and foreign arms manufacturers.
252 defense companies from more than 30 countries joined the first forum in Kyiv.
The event is intended to record the achievements of our defense industry and consider what can add to the opportunities, in particular through the creation of new production facilities in Ukraine.
At least 165 defense companies from 26 countries are known to be participating in the Forum.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Kyiv to participate in the event.