Poll: 98% Hungarians support anti-Ukrainian political direction

The Hungarian government has released the results of a poll showing 98% of respondents support its anti-Ukrainian stance, including on the war, the European Truth reports.

The poll, known as "national consultation," reportedly contained 11 questions about the war in Ukraine, the EU, and foreign and economic policy.

The survey results show that in each of the 11 questions, 97.5% supported the attitude of the Hungarian government.

The ruling party emphasized that 98% of Hungarian voters support "a ceasefire and peace in our neighborhood" instead of arms supplies, as well as opposition to "migrant ghettos" and "strengthening child protection provisions."

According to published data, more than 1.5 million votes were cast in the Hungarian government's "national consultation."

This is less than 15% of the registered Hungarian voters and about the same number as voted in the previous "consultation."

"We have taken into account the national consultations, as well as the fact that very few people took part in them," said EU spokesman Peter Stano.

All decisions on sanctions in the EU are made unanimously by member states.

"So far, member states have adopted 9 broad packages of sanctions against Russia for its illegal aggression against Ukraine, reflecting the EU policy agreed by 27 member states and affirming that we stand with Ukraine and support Ukraine in many ways."

The questions concerned the war in Ukraine and Israel, Ukraine's accession to the EU, utility bills, freezing interest rates, tax on additional income, foreign influence on Hungarian politics, and the law on child protection.

Four issues were related to Ukraine, and all of them were formulated in a manipulative manner.

The European Parliament approved a joint resolution calling on the European Council and member states to determine whether Hungary has committed serious and persistent violations of EU values. This decision may deprive the country of its voting rights.

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