Фото: facebook.com/vadym.filashkin
Two high-rise buildings and 43 private houses on five streets were damaged, local governor Vadym Filashkin reports.
At least two people were killed and eight wounded. A 16-year-old boy is injured. He remains in extremely serious condition.
"Another targeted and deliberate attack on civilians, another war crime by the Russians," he said.
Photo: facebook.com/vadym.filashkin
The governor called for evacuating the Donetsk citizens to safer Ukrainian regions.
Photo: facebook.com/vadym.filashkin
Rescuers evacuated one person and removed the body of a woman from under a house destroyed by an enemy strike. At the site of the shelling, rescuers found a wounded child who was given first aid and transported to the hospital.
Photo: facebook.com/vadym.filashkin
Rescuers also removed the body of a dead woman from the rubble of the building.
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