Estonian instructors will train and continue cooperating with Ukrainian troops under the EU's EUMAM training mission.
Interflex is an international operation providing combat and survival skills to Ukrainian troops. By January 2024, over 34,000 soldiers trained for frontline combat through this project.
Ukraine's training in the UK
Since the first months of Russia's full-scale war, Ukrainian soldiers have been undergoing various training programs in Britain.
A special training ground has been established in the UK to boost the effectiveness of Ukraine's military training and expand its urban warfare experience.
30,000 graduates of the UK-led training were also provided with the necessary equipment for the front line by the defense ministry.
Instructors from Australia helped the Ukrainian military practice proactive actions while passing a psychological strip in the middle of dense forests.
While Danish instructors train Ukrainian servicemen in positional warfare, they are practicing actions to prepare, seize, and hold a position.
Ukrainian combat medics are trained with the addition of special effects in Canada.
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