Polish PM honors memory of fallen Ukrainian soldiers during his visit to Kyiv

Ukraine's Prime Minister, Denys Shmyhal, and his Polish counterpart, Donald Tusk, laid flowers at the Memorial Wall to pay tribute to the memory of soldiers who died in the Russian-Ukrainian war at the Memorial Wall in Kyiv.

Shmyhal shared that Prime Minister Tusk is also scheduled to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Rubryka reports.

"Today, on the Day of Unity of Ukraine, together with Prime Minister Donald Tusk, we honored the memory of those who fell defending Ukraine," Shmyhal said. "Our fight against the Russian aggressor is a struggle for freedom and the values of the entire democratic world. We appreciate the support of our partners who stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian people in this war." 

Photo: Facebook / Shmyhal

Photo: Facebook / Shmyhal

The Polish prime minister's office officially confirmed Tusk's intention to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in Kyiv.

Photo: Facebook / Shmyhal

As reported by Polish media, the visit of the Polish Prime Minister is seen as a move to initiate a reset in relations between the two countries. There was some tension when Polish carriers caused a blockade at the Ukraine border, and Warsaw imposed a ban on the import of Ukrainian grain.

Recently, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland, Czesław Siekierski, stated that the ban on grain imports would remain until corresponding rules were developed at the EU level.

Regarding the border blockade, the Polish government managed to reach a consensus with the protesters. The Polish Ministry of Infrastructure signed an agreement with carriers to lift the blockade at border checkpoints on the Polish-Ukrainian border until March 1. Ukrainian trucks were allowed to move through the border checkpoints starting from January 17.

Tusk, as reported by the media, is more interested in discussing the strategic relations between Kyiv and Warsaw, which is why he is making the visit to Ukraine after the border issue has been conditionally resolved.

About Tusk and his stance on Ukraine

The newly elected Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, previously served as his country's PM from 2007 to 2014. In December 2014, he became the President of the European Council, and in 2017, he was re-elected to this position (until the end of November 2019). Tusk is the leader of the Polish political party "Civic Platform."

On December 12, 2023, Tusk was elected as the Prime Minister of Poland. His appointment followed a failed vote of confidence for the then-current government of Mateusz Morawiecki. Less than an hour later, an additional vote was held for Tusk's candidacy. On the same day, Polish President Andrzej Duda signed the decision on the appointment of the Council of Ministers, and the ministers of the new government took the oath.

Since the beginning of Russia's aggression in 2014, Tusk has stated that Ukraine is at war, urging all of Europe to stand in defense of its ally. He also considered sanctions against Russia one of the best ways to support Ukraine.

After returning to lead the Polish government at the end of 2023, Tusk stated that he would not allow the government to build its position on anti-Ukrainian sentiments. He also believes that Russia may attack Europe in the next few years.

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