United to win: Poland delivers new defense package to aid Ukraine

Today, the Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, met with the Head of State, Volodymyr Zelensky, in Kyiv. After the meeting, the President of Ukraine announced a new defense package from Poland.

Zelensky reported that on the X social network.

"Hello, Friend!" Tusk wrote on the X social network, adding a joint photo with the President of Ukraine.

According to the president, he and Prime Minister Donald Tusk held very "productive negotiations" today.

"There is a new Polish defense package. We appreciate such constant assistance. There is a new form of our cooperation for the sake of a larger scale of weapons purchases for Ukrainian needs — this is a Polish loan for Ukraine," Zelensky said.

The parties discussed all aspects of bilateral relations, including the possibility of future joint production of weapons.

It should be noted that today, January 22, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk arrived in Ukraine. This was his first official business trip to Ukraine since his appointment to the post on December 12, 2023.

Tusk's office said that his visit to Ukraine aims to discuss bilateral issues. They also said they would talk about "certain conflicts of interest" "in the spirit of friendship" and resolve them as soon as possible.

As reported, the Prime Ministers of Ukraine and Poland, Denys Shmyhal and Donald Tusk, laid flowers at the Memorial Wall of fallen Ukrainian defenders on Mykhailivska Square in Kyiv.

For reference:

Donald Franciszek Tusk was born on April 22, 1957 in Gdańsk. He was already the prime minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014.

In addition, in December 2014, he became the head of the European Council, and in 2017, he was re-elected to this position (until the end of November 2019).

Tusk is the leader of the Polish Civic Platform party.

On December 12, 2023, Tusk was elected head of the Polish government. His election as prime minister came after a failed vote of confidence in the previously active government of Mateusz Morawiecki, after which, literally less than an hour later, an additional vote was held for Tusk's candidacy. The Council of Ministers' swearing-in ceremony took place on the same day, with President of Poland Andrzej Duda signing the decision and the other ministers of the new government subsequently taking their oaths.

Since the beginning of the Russian aggression in 2014, Tusk himself has declared that there is a war going on in Ukraine and called on all of Europe to stand up for its ally. He also called sanctions against Russia one of the best ways to support Ukraine.

After he again headed the Polish government at the end of 2023, Tusk declared that he "will not allow the government to build a position on anti-Ukrainian sentiments." He also believes that Russia may attack Europe in the next few years.

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