German company provides grant assistance to restore Karazin Kharkiv university

Germany is planning to join the restoration of one of the buildings of the Karazin Kharkiv National University, which was damaged once again during Russian strikes on the city center.

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ukraine, Martin Eger, visited the university.

What is the problem?

The buildings of Karazin Kharkiv National University and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics were damaged in Kharkiv as a result of a missile attack on January 2.

The blast wave damaged 550 windows in the main building of Karazin University.

In 2022, the building of the Faculty of Economics in the city center and the sports complex were destroyed by direct missile hits.

Also, the buildings on Svobody Square were damaged by blast waves on March 1, 2022, in a hit on the building of the Kharkiv Regional Military Academy, which is located nearby.

What is the solution?

Germany will help restore one of the buildings of the Karazin Kharkiv National University, which was recently damaged during Russian strikes on the city center.

How does it work?

With the support of Martin Jaeger and the German Embassy in Ukraine, the damaged frames will be replaced with new ones. The work is to begin soon.

Photo: Kharkiv military administration

The embassy "will continue to assist Kharkiv region in strengthening its defense capabilities."

Photo: Kharkiv military administration

The enemy continues to strike at medical infrastructure every day. Nevertheless, the health ministry and its partners are working to restore medical facilities to ensure that medical care is available to everyone.

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