
Solutions from Ukraine: Kharkiv volunteers launch free construction school to rebuild homes damaged by Russian shelling

A free express construction school was opened in Kharkiv. It trains those who want to learn new skills and help restore houses damaged by Russian shelling. The school has already graduated five specialists and is preparing for a new recruitment.

"Nakypilo" reported that.

What is the problem?

The Kharkiv division of Dobrobat [Volunteer battalion – ed.] founded the project. This team of volunteers aids in repairing homes and social infrastructure, such as roofs, windows, and walls that have been damaged.

"Our task is not just to teach a person, to give him some specialty. During training, we strive to provide an understanding that patriotism primarily develops through the desire to help the state and one's loved ones. And this is about paying taxes and volunteering with your skills," emphasizes Pavlo Filippenko, head of the Kharkiv branch of "Dobrobat."

He emphasized that one of the areas of training — windows and doors — is currently the most in demand. After all, many different organizations and donors provide money so that people can buy windows. The state program "YeVidnovlennia" is in operation. There are very few elementary people who can insert these windows.

What is the solution?

The school aims to provide education in nine different areas, including:

  • installing translucent structures,
  • tiling,
  • masonry,
  • installing facade systems,
  • plastering,
  • slating,
  • plasterboard fitting,
  • and installing suspended systems.

Experienced professionals will teach at the courses for those pursuing a master's degree. The training sessions will be held in-person in Kharkiv and can range from three to four weeks, depending on the specific field of study chosen. The company will assist with some of the necessary materials for the training, such as window and tile samples. At present, volunteers are seeking partnerships with individuals or companies willing to provide materials for other areas of the school.

How does it work?

In addition to professional consultations, the courses include modules:

  • from first aid,
  • mine danger,
  • psychology (communication in the team, with customers and contractors),
  • financial literacy (why register private entrepreneurs, what are the state programs for entrepreneurs, etc.).

The school started on December 11 with a group of installers of facade systems. By the end of the course, these students have practiced the skills. They and other volunteers were restoring the hospital in Pomirky in Kharkiv, which was shelled by Russian troops on December 29. At the hospital, they were presented with course completion certificates.

Volunteers are prepared to train individuals from neighboring villages. If needed, students will be given housing and meals in Kharkiv during the program. The school is currently seeking participants for two areas of study.

Training for window and door installers will start on January 22, and tilers will begin on January 29.


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