According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Russian forces lost 41 armored vehicles on this front line in three days, Rubryka reports.
The ISW analysts reveal that the recent geolocation images from January 17 show that Russian forces advanced confirmedly to the southwest of Avdiivka.
Commander of the Tavria Grouping of Ukrainian forces, Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, stated on January 18 that the Russian troops likely employ armored vehicles to support and deploy infantry on the Avdiivka front. This tactical approach has resulted in the loss of 41 armored vehicles, including 17 tanks, over the last three days.
Colonel Oleksandr Shtupun, the spokesperson for the Tavria Grouping, noted that Russian forces typically use one or two tanks, several armored personnel carriers, and MT-LBs (tracked armored vehicles) to transport infantry before a swift withdrawal. Afterward, Ukrainian forces strike the armored vehicles.
According to both Russian and Ukrainian sources, positional battles are ongoing:
Key ISW findings as of January 18:
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