Фото: "ЛУН»/«Хочукота"
What is the problem?
Russia's full-scale war has increased the number of strays by 60%.
Many Ukrainians who were forced to flee from Russian attacks left their pets to fend for themselves.
Another reason for the increase of strays is that many people prefer purebred dogs and cats.
What is the solution?
LUN IT team, and the Hochukota shelter have launched a joint social initiative offering to adopt a cat, dog, or other animal from a shelter if Ukrainians are planning to move.
Photo: "Lun"/"Hochukota"
How does it work?
"There is a tradition to adopt a cat to a housewarming party for the well-being and harmony in the house. That's why we invite you to meet the cats from the Hochukota charity foundation and make your apartment a little more cozy with these furry friends," said the initiators.
The LUN marketplace created a profile and hosted a photoshoot for each furry animal and found an apartment for them on the primary or secondary market.
Photo: "Lun"/"Hochukota"
Photo: "Lun"/"Hochukota"
You can find out more about the project here.
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