Ukraine and Switzerland agree on starting joint business missions

Ukraine and Switzerland will conduct joint missions for domestic businesses to explore opportunities for Swiss investors and Ukrainian brands to enter the market.

These were the results of the Swiss-Ukrainian Roundtable on Recovery and Rebuilding at the World Economic Forum in Davos on January 17.

"The business mission is an opportunity for Swiss businesses to see with their own eyes that investing in Ukraine is not only possible, but also necessary. We hope that more Swiss companies will enter the Ukrainian market. Their interest is strong, and the Government is working to create the conditions for this interest to be realised," said Deputy Minister of Economy Volodymyr Kuzio.

Swiss companies and business associations assured that they were ready to support feasibility studies of investment projects and join the deregulation reform.

The parties agreed to prepare a list of documents that foreign investors believe prevent them from entering the Ukrainian market, and these documents will be considered by the interagency working group on deregulation.

The Swiss side noted that they are working on the issue of launching a reinsurance market, with the involvement of their Export Credit Agency and private companies.

Swiss companies operating in Ukraine also noted an improvement in the business climate last year.

The state has planned to allocate about $1.75 billion to support Ukraine in the framework of international cooperation in 2025-2028.

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