Despite the legalization of gambling in 2020, the problem of gambling addiction remains relevant to this day. Although legality allowed her to come to the surface and regulators are actively working on overcoming it.
As noted in the Gambler magazine interview, Ivan Rudyy, the chairman of the commission for the regulation of gambling and lotteries, stated: "Protecting the rights of citizens and combating addiction to gambling is one of the key tasks of KRIL."
One of the tools to combat is the inclusion of individuals with an unhealthy attitude towards gambling in the "Register of persons restricted access to gambling establishments and participation in gambling". In 10 months of 2023, 2244 people have been included in the Registry, and as of January 4 of this year, there are 3136 people in the Registry.
Restricting yourself from participating in gambling can be done personally by the player and first-degree relatives if the player is causing harm to themselves or their family. Restrictions can last from 6 to 36 months. And after the expiration of the term, it is necessary to write the application again in order to update it in the registry.
Most often, these restrictions are voluntary, which indicates that society not only understands the problem but also sees possible ways to solve it, that is, trust in the regulator is growing. This is evidence that we are moving in the right direction.
The main responsibility for combating gambling addiction lies with the organizers of gambling games. Legal operators are interested in the "environmentally friendly" player and invest funds in studying and preventing addiction.
CRAML approaches the fight against gambling addiction comprehensively, in collaboration with other structures, conducts research among players, and this allows for the implementation of effective measures to solve the problem. It is also important to conduct educational work among young people regarding the risks of gambling and potential addiction.
Legal gambling organizers promote responsible gaming, which contributes to creating a safe and acceptable gaming environment for all participants.
The team of Pro Internet casino reviews highlights that the problem of gambling addiction remains acute, however, recently measures have been intensified to overcome it at the state level in cooperation with organizers of gambling games. There is still a lot of work ahead of us, but there are positive changes and results.
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