Ukrainian entrepreneurs use Vietnamese walnut to create plant-based alternatives for meat and dairy

Ukrainian entrepreneurs are creating full-fledged plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy under the brand Fineorganic, using organic ingredients. 

Rubryka reports, citing, that the family-run business was founded by a vegan couple, Vasil Trachuk and Yulia Vorkovenko. Vasil, a technologist, developed the proprietary recipes, while Yulia, educated in philology, is involved in the management of their business.


The Fineorganic brand includes plant-based cheese, sour cream, butter, vegan fish, and meat. It has also introduced cashew sour cream, a unique product not found elsewhere in Ukraine.

Half of the ingredients for plant-based food are grown by the producers themselves, with the remaining sourced in small batches from local producers, emphasizing quality.

To make plant-based cheese, the company imports organic cashews from Vietnam. The nuts are soaked in water, activated for 24 hours, carefully washed, chopped, and mixed with a probiotic. After 18 hours, the remaining ingredients are added, and the fermentation process continues, varying based on the type of cheese.

Photo: also offers a full alternative to chicken cutlets. The plant-based chicken is made up of 78% ingredients grown on their own farm, featuring a unique blend of spices, high digestible protein, and fiber. It contains 50% less saturated fat and 30% less fat than conventional chicken meat.


The plant-based minced meat is wrapped in cabbage and grape leaves for dolma and cabbage rolls.

"We will soon update our vegan cheeses and plan to release three new varieties. We invest a lot in technologies and equipment to create even more interesting and useful products and to further promote veganism in Ukraine," said the founders of Fineorganic.



Earlier, Rubryka reported on the development of plant-based calamari in Ukraine. We also covered how NGOs "Kozhna Tvaryna" and "Lvivska Vehanska Kukhnia" receive numerous requests for vegan products from Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers, providing them with plant-based meals.

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