The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine reported that.
During the meeting, the company revealed its plans to maintain cooperation with Ukraine in cyber security. Specifically, by 2024, they will be supplying 5,000 security keys to safeguard the accounting systems of Ukrainian government officials.
Also, the Ministry of Digital Transformation team and the management of Google held a round table in Davos to draw the attention of leading experts to Ukraine, demonstrate Ukraine's innovative approach to digital transformation, and accelerate the innovation strategy.
"We already have many years of experience working with Google. The technology company supports the Ministry of Digital Transformation's projects and ensures the protection of digital infrastructure, which is extremely important in conditions of full-scale war. In particular, together with Google, we launched courses on cyber security and artificial intelligence; the company supports Ukrainian startups and provides 50,000 Workspace licenses for the Government. The company is now providing another 5,000 security keys for government officials. This is a signal of further support and assistance to Ukraine," said Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Development of Education, Science and Technology — Minister of Digital Transformation.
Security Keys from Google is an innovative solution that will make it possible to significantly strengthen the security of accounts, protect critical operations, and ensure the safety of citizens in the digital space. The devices replace traditional passwords with physical verification. Such a tool will prevent users other than the account owner from accessing the information.
In addition, Google also plans to conduct education and training so that Ukrainian government officials learn how to use these devices and effectively use all functionality. Also, Google and the Ukrainian Government will work on joint cybersecurity workshops to share best practices and develop new strategies for data protection.
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