Jonas Lotsne, Head of FMV's Operations Department, reports this.
What is the problem?
On May 3, the EU Council approved a decision to provide Ukraine with €2 billion in aid for joint purchases of ammunition and missiles.
In September, the European Defense Agency signed eight contracts with industry for the joint purchase of 155-mm ammunition for Ukraine.
The EU has transferred to Ukraine only over 300,000 artillery rounds out of the promised one million.
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that one-million delivery "is unlikely to be reached" by the spring of 2024, but the situation will improve.
What is the solution?
Швецький оборонно-промисловий комплекс збільшить виробництво артилерійських снарядів для України.
Управління матеріального забезпечення оборони (FMV) підписало угоду з виробником боєприпасів Nammo. Угода стосується інвестицій щодо збільшення виробництва 155-мм артилерійських боєприпасів у Швеції.
Як це працює?
The investment is partly funded by the Swedish state and the EU.
The agreement will become a contract provided that the EU allocates funds during the first quarter of 2024.
This investment is the third step in a large-scale effort to increase the production of artillery ammunition and ensure continued support for Ukraine.
The work is part of the Nordic Defense Cooperation Nordefco and is led by FMV. Since then, the Nordic countries have signed a cooperation agreement and ordered ammunition for Ukraine.
Sweden is home to the Nammo ammunition plant, owned by Finland and Norway.
The German arms concern Rheinmetall won a large order for 155-mm artillery ammunition for Ukraine.
Ukraine plans to significantly increase production of various types of weapons: the priority will be missiles and ammunition for air defense.
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