Photo: Ukrainian Railways
Ukrzaliznytsia [Ukrainian Railways – ed.] reported this.
What is the problem?
More than 10,200 Ukrzaliznytsia employees are fighting in the ranks of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. Of these, 1,000 veterans have returned home, and this number is constantly growing.
"Our most important mission during the war is to support the mobilized railroad workers and to be in constant contact with them. Moreover, ensuring that all returning war veterans and mobilized individuals feel valued and welcomed back into the workforce is important. The key to achieving this is addressing any hindrances they may encounter during the readjustment process and providing measures to overcome them. This applies especially to those veterans who have acquired a disability. We make every effort to ensure that they return to the workplace and fulfill their potential, thus strengthening our team even more," said Chairman of the Board of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" Evheniy Liashchenko.
What is the solution?
The "Inclusive Railway: Employment" program aims to return demobilized railway workers to work and provide them with support at every stage of adaptation. The initiative has already helped more than 800 veterans successfully return to work.
How does it work?
One of the key components of the adaptation program is the creation of the Advocacy Center, which provides support and protection of the interests of veterans. Specialists of the Center, communicating with veterans, accompany them at all stages of return to work (from support during rehabilitation to workplace preparation or job change).
The program also includes:
"Mobile psychological assistance" operates within the program. Employees of mobile brigades provide first psychological aid to veterans. If necessary, they can provide referrals to specialized departments.
Plans include:
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