Фото: з відкритих джерел
Authorities plan to track down traitors to prevent them obtain Ukrainian documents.
During the recent meeting, the officials focused on countering the legalization abroad of Ukrainian citizens who lived in the occupied territories and committed crimes.
The meeting participants agreed to strengthen the exchange of information between the authorities concerned for coordinated work.
A working group will also be set up to work on improving legislation regarding criminal liability for collaboration, such as distinguishing collaboration and aiding Russian troops.
"Collaborators are looking for opportunities to go abroad and legalize themselves using Ukrainian documents. We have to prevent this in every way possible," said the minister Iryna Vereshchuk.
Meanwhile, Ukraine's Security Service is intercepting Russian agents all over the country, aiding the enemy forces to crash plans on the frontline.
A traitor who coordinated Russian missiles at defense enterprises in Kirovohrad region was sentenced to life-long imprisonment.
Law enforcement also detained a collaborator who organized a fake "referendum" during the occupation of Chornobaivka in the Kherson region.
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