First underground school in Kharkiv to open this spring – mayor

Kharkiv is building Ukraine's first underground school, which is scheduled to open in the spring. Authorities plan to open another such school in one of the city's central districts, the mayor says.

What is the problem?

Russian troops shell the Kharkiv region every day. The border settlements or those located near the front line are the main targets of the enemy fire.

Kharkiv has been suffering from attacks on civilians since day one of the full-scale war. Civilian buildings, schools, hospitals, and shopping centers were destroyed or damaged.

On the night of January 10, Russian forces shelled a children's camp on the outskirts of Kharkiv.

On January 2, Kharkiv again came under a missile attack, which killed a 91-year-old woman, and more than 50 people were reported injured.

In early September, the city presented equipped classrooms for schoolchildren in the subway to ensure that children could study.

However, no matter how well-equipped they are, this place is not as comfortable as possible for children to learn.

What is the solution?

Along with the development of the metro school, the city began constructing the first underground facility.

Today, the construction of the first underground school in Ukraine is already underway in Kharkiv, and its opening is scheduled for this spring.

How does it work?

The mayor Ihor Terekhov said the construction is proceeding according to schedule despite enemy shelling of the city, frost, and bad weather.

All concrete structures have been installed as of today.

Photo: Ihor Terekhov

Photo: Ihor Terekhov

Currently, the work is focused on hydro and thermal insulation, sewerage systems, water supply systems, and ventilation installation.

"The contractors promise to keep up the pace so that we can start teaching our children here in March and start building the next such school in one of the city's central districts," Terekhov said.

Meanwhile, the Kyiv region has launched the construction of radiation shelters for two schools in Bila Tsekrva in case of a Russian chemical attack.

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