Thousands came to pay their last tribute to Maksym Kryvtsov, such as relatives, friends, colleagues, volunteers, and citizens. After the service, the funeral procession went to Kyiv's central Maidan Nezalezhnosti Square.
Maksym Kryvtsov is a Ukrainian poet who joined the ranks of the Armed Forces in 2014. With Russia's full-scale war outbreak, he joined the military again.
Kryvtsov was among the participants of the Euromaidan Revolution — one of the most crucial events in modern Ukraine's history that ended the ruling of pro-Kremlin President Viktor Yanukovych — in 2013-2014, PEN Ukraine reported.
His book "Poems from the Loophole" was recognized as one of the best Ukrainian books of 2023 by PEN. After his death, Ukrainians purchased the entire collection. The Nash Format publishing house announced an additional edition, the proceeds from which will be donated to the soldier's family and educational projects for the military.
Our special reporter Mykola Tymchenko was there during the farewell ceremony.
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