Over 80% of Ukrainians continue to donate and regularly volunteer – study

Over the past three months, 83% of Ukrainians have continued to donate money or volunteer, Rubryka reports, citing a comprehensive sociological study conducted by Pace Panel in collaboration with Factum Group Ukraine in 2023.

Despite common perceptions that Ukrainians have become less active in volunteer work, the data shows Ukrainians made donating an integral part of their lives.

Sociologists reported that 3,200 respondents participated in the study, representing the entire population of Ukraine in cities aged 16-64 (excluding temporarily occupied territories).

Photo: Publicis Groupe Ukraine

Compared to the 2022 study, the number of donors has increased by 1%. It can be assumed that due to growing needs, covering the expenses for fundraisers becomes more challenging.

There are some changes in how Ukrainians are providing help. The percentage of donors contributing money (60%) and items (46%) has increased, while fewer people engage in volunteer activities (16%).

The age categories of donors are as follows:

  • 25-34 years – 87%,
  • 16-24 years – 85%,
  • 35-44 years – 84%,
  • 45-54 years – 80%,
  • 55-64 years – 78%.

Interest in charity remains consistently high at 34% in 2023 and 2022. This figure is nearly 10% higher than the European average (25%).

Most Ukrainians search for donation ideas online (42%) and on social media (18%).

What do Ukrainians expect from businesses?

51% of respondents believe that brands and companies should support the Armed Forces and make donations (an increase of 2% compared to the previous year).

59% are willing to recommend buying brands that support the Armed Forces.

43% will recommend companies that assist various volunteer movements.

Earlier, it was reported that in 2023, Ukrainians donated ₴27.4 billion, more than three times the amount of the previous year when the sum was ₴8.5 billion.

Anatolii Berchanov from Kharkiv, with the support of like-minded people and the N-iX company, developed the Donatta application for users to donate to Ukrainian defenders in the form of a game.

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