Фото: t.me/ministry_of_defense_ua
What is the problem?
Ukrainian women are defending their homes alongside men.
As of May 2023, 42,000 women served in the trenches, and 60,000 women are working with civilian employees.
The issue of female body armor has been at stake for ten years since the start of Russia's war in 2014. Female soldiers were forced to wear male vests and lead operations uncomfortably. Since women have narrower shoulders and wider pelvis than men, it was uncomfortable to handle weapons in the "male" version of body armor.
What is the solution?
Ukraine's Defense Ministry has certified another sample of women's body armor.
Photo: t.me/ministry_of_defense_ua
How does it work?
While the first certified sample from Ukrainian Armor had an outwardly curved armor plate, the Temp-3000 company equipped the women's vest with damping cushions.
They help to adjust the vest to the anatomical features of each woman.
The kit includes three pads of different sizes.
Photo: t.me/ministry_of_defense_ua
To protect the groin, the manufacturer has developed an additional pouch with a soft ballistic bag.
The women's bulletproof vest has the same ballistic characteristics as the men's, as the tests lasted three months and were conducted in two stages.
The weight of the vest is 10.5 kilograms or more, depending on the configuration.
"More than 40,000 women serve in Ukrainian forces. Our goal is to provide our defenders with bulletproof vests, first and foremost, for the servicewomen on the front line. We have already talked to manufacturers. In general, Ukrainian Armor can produce up to 10,000 sets in 60-90 days if ordered in advance, and Temp 3000 can produce 5,000 sets in a month," said Deputy Defense Minister Vitalii Polovenko.
Ukraine's defense ministry has recently certified the first bulletproof vest for women soldiers. The vest is a joint product made by the Ukrainian Armor military brand.
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