The bill, which was supported by 326 deputies, will streamline clinical protocols and quality standards.
What is the problem?
The National Security Strategy of Ukraine defines Euro-Atlantic integration as one of the state's priorities for its interests and security.
With Russia's all-out aggression, the need to provide military units with modern and high-quality medical equipment is growing rapidly.
The strategic course for NATO membership requires approving the minimum requirements and quality standards for specialized medical devices used by the security and defense forces.
Since the start of the full-scale war, 136 NATO standards have been adopted in Ukraine, compared to 151 for the entire period before that.
What is the solution?
At today's meeting, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in the first reading a bill that provides for the introduction of NATO standards in the medical support of Ukrainian forces.
How does it work?
According to the draft law, the Ukrainian defense ministry will approve clinical protocols, logistics sheets, standards for providing pre-hospital and pre-medical care during combat operations, and training of security and defense forces based on NATO standards.
President Volodymyr Zelensky has replaced the Commander of the Medical Forces, ordering the new head to provide new medical care for Ukrainian soldiers.
"The task is obvious – and this has been repeatedly discussed in society, in particular in the community of our combat medics – we need a fundamentally new level of medical support for our soldiers."
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