Фото: Вікіпедія
Over 500 Subway restaurants pay thousands of dollars in taxes to the Russian budget, he press release says.
"Subway also actively advertises its activities through sanctioned Russian social networks and delivers food through Yandex services, which cooperate with the state and law enforcement agencies of Russia."
After the start of Russia's large-scale war, the company did not report any reduction in its activities within Russia. There were also no attempts by Subway management to condemn the Kremlin's war.
Being one of the largest fast food networks, Subway has been operating in Russia for over 20 years, has created about 6,000 jobs, and has 550 restaurants in 122 cities. The Russian Subway chain is now the third largest in Europe after the UK and Germany.
"Subway reported that all restaurants in the country are independently owned and operated by local and head franchisees, so the restaurants remain open in Russia. This statement regarding the inability to influence its own franchisees is untrue and actually misleading," Ukrainian institution noted.
Ukraine's war sponsors list is a non-official document which targets large companies continuing their operations in Russia despite its all-out aggression.
The list calls on global brands and society worldwide to boycott the banned companies and, thus, stop funding Russia's war.
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