Kherson boosts community safety with another renovated bomb shelter

In the southern city of Kherson, the city authorities, along with philanthropists and partners, have renovated another bomb shelter and are actively working on expanding the network of cover, according to the Kherson Regional Military Administration.

What's the problem?

Russian occupation forces strike Kherson almost daily. Occupiers shell the city with heavy artillery and launch guided aviation missiles from planes, destroying civilian facilities and putting residents at risk. Almost every day, there are casualties in the Kherson region.

During the occupation of Kherson, there was no opportunity to organize shelters properly, so most shelters in the city were in poor condition and required immediate repairs.

The Kherson City Military Administration faced the urgent need to renovate and equip shelters so that people could safely withstand Russian strikes.

What's the solution?

The city authorities, in collaboration with volunteers, renovated another shelter and are actively working on expanding the network, Rubryka reports.

Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)

One of the recent achievements is the bomb shelter at 8 Zalaeherseh Street.

How does it work?

"Basic shelters. These protective structures in Kherson should become the most accessible and widespread. Another basic shelter at 8 Zalaeherseh Street has been renovated and equipped with everything necessary," said the statement.

Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)

Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)
Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)
Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)
Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)
Photo: Kherson City Military Administration (Kherson City Council)

In other news, the Ministry of Strategic Industries has developed a bot where citizens can submit complaints about closed shelters or denial of access.

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