Solutions to win: Retired Ukrainian woman donates a drone to the military

A 73-year-old woman named Hanna Mykytiuk from the village of Piadyky in the western Ivano-Frankivsk region purchased a drone for the Ukrainian soldiers.

She shared this information with Suspilne, the Ukrainian public broadcaster, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

Drones are like the eyes of a modern army. They defend positions, conduct reconnaissance, adjust fire, sometimes deal a blow to enemies, shoot down enemy drones, and even take them captive. Drones also help monitor the area, track the location and actions of attackers, and identify when soldiers in specific positions need reinforcement during an attack or a safe exit.

Each of these "birds" brings Ukraine closer to victory.

What's the solution?

73-year-old retiree Hanna Mykytiuk from the village of Piadyky decided to buy and donate a drone to the soldiers of the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade "Edelweiss."

How does it work?

Hanna Mykytiuk explained that she decided to buy and donate a drone to the military after watching a video from the combat zone.

"I saw a report from the Donetsk region, where our brigade is stationed. Now, the Russians have destroyed the village of Zvanivka. Only the church of St. Basil the Great remains, and they even destroyed the image of that saint. Our guys from Kolomyia were in the report, asking for a drone. And I cried. The next morning, I told my daughter and granddaughters, 'Let's buy a drone,'" said Mykytiuk.

Mrs Mykytiuk met with the military to seek advice on where to purchase a UAV.

"I want to help the guys so that it's easier for them because a drone is their eyes. I know that drones are consumables in war. But maybe my drone will help them a little. It's a tiny charitable contribution compared to what these kids do for us, how they try, and how they suffer in those trenches. I decided to help because I want victory and the war to end," says Hanna Mykytiuk.

The pensioner is very proud of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade, so she helps the military in any way she can.

"I even told my granddaughters that I recognized one guy in the report because I gave them poppy seed pastries for Apple Feast of the Saviour. We went to a café with my granddaughters for this holiday, and there were guys from this brigade. They had lunch, and I treated them to pastries. Last year, I gave the fighters carrots, beets, and cabbage because I have a garden. And this year, I also prepared carrots and apples, as well as beets and sauerkraut. You have to feed and help the guys," says Hanna Mykytiuk.

Earlier, Rubryka reported that two Ukrainian pensioners, one from Ivano-Frankivsk and the other from Kyiv, purchased two kamikaze drones for the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade "Edelweiss."

Сhildren from the Bucha community in the Kyiv region handed over a kamikaze drone to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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