United to win: Japan grants Ukraine $37 mln for drone detection systems

Japan plans to allocate 37 million dollars to help Ukraine, which will be used to purchase drone detection systems.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Yoko Kamikawa, announced this during a briefing with the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba.

"Once again, I strongly condemn Russia's ongoing missile and drone attacks on various areas, including Kyiv, even during the New Year holidays.

And I express my sincere condolences to the victims of these attacks; I once again wanted to express my respect for the courage of the Ukrainian people, who have been defending themselves against Russian aggression for so long. Japan is determined to support Ukraine so that peace reigns in Ukraine again," the Japanese government official emphasized.

The minister noted that her visit to Kyiv testifies to Japan's support for Ukraine. Therefore, as part of the aid, her country will help purchase drone detection systems.

"Japan actively promotes support for Ukraine; as part of our support, Japan recently decided to contribute $37 million to the NATO trust fund to provide a system for detecting unmanned aerial vehicles," Kamikawa said.

In addition to helping Ukrainians survive the winter, Japan provided:

  • Five mobile generators,
  • Seven transformers.

The head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry will officially hand over this equipment today.

On January 7, the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yoko Kamikawa, visited Ukraine to hold meetings in Kyiv, particularly with the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba.

During the visit, Kamikawa will hold consultations with partners from the Ukrainian side regarding the expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

In addition, the minister will participate "in a frank discussion with Ukrainian partners about efforts aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace, which the Ukrainian side attaches great importance to, as well as about Japan's potential for a concrete contribution to this process."

For reference:

As the Ministry of Economy noted, several aid projects initiated or financed by Japan have been implemented or are being implemented for Ukraine.

So, earlier, the State Emergency Service was transferred:

During 2022-2023, the UNDP Representative Office in Ukraine, with the support of the Government of Japan, implemented a project of international technical assistance in the field of humanitarian demining, within the framework of which the State Emergency Service received cars for pyrotechnic groups, equipment, equipment for sappers, etc.

It should be noted that Japan plans to allocate 160 million euros to support Ukraine's economic recovery projects.

Also, in October, Japan and Ukraine started the first round of negotiations on security guarantees. The Office of the President said that Japan had become the fourth country after the USA, Great Britain, and Canada to start joint negotiations with Ukraine.

In addition, on December 7, 2023, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that Japan is ready to provide additional funds to support Ukraine, namely 4.5 billion dollars.

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