The video of the operation video was shared on the defense intelligence's Telegram channel, Rubryka reports.
"Due to the increasing cases of subversive activities by Russians and to protect Ukrainian civilians living in communities near the state border suffering from aggressor attacks, the warriors of the Defense Intelligence executed a series of special actions," the announcement stated.
According to gathered intelligence, the Russian army's leadership planned an inspection of positions in the Graivoron district of the Belgorod Oblast in response to dissatisfaction and complaints from troops about poor service conditions.
"Before the arrival of Moscow 'inspectors,' the ordinary occupiers became agitated, engaging in active engineering work. To inflict losses on the enemy and worsen their morale, the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence special forces planned and executed a special operation," the intelligence officers noted.
During the mission, Ukrainian soldiers mined the only road used by occupiers in the specified area and attacked a Russian platoon's fortified position.
"As a result of the gunfire using small arms and mortars, as well as the detonation of Ukrainian mines, the enemy suffered losses. The exact number of eliminated and wounded occupiers is being clarified," the statement added.
Earlier, Rubryka reported that a Su-34 tactical fighter bomber caught fire at the Shagol airfield in Chelyabinsk, Russia. According to intelligence, the aircraft belonged to the aviation regiment of the 21st mixed aviation division of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
Media sources in the intelligence community indicated that the burning of the fighter was an operation by Ukrainian intelligence.
On December 22, the Ukrainian military destroyed three Russian Su-34 jets on the southern front. Russian Su-34 bombers were likely shot down in Ukraine's south by the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, which was moved closer to the front, specifically to the Kherson region.
Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov stated that the Ukrainian military had been "hunting" Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in the south for a long time.
On December 24, the Air Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed two Su-34 and Su-30 fighter bombers.
According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as of the morning of January 4, Russia lost 329 aircraft and 324 helicopters in the war against Ukraine.
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