The enemy missile killed a 35-year-old man, who was a farmer worker.
Another 60-year-old local citizen was injured.
"The victim received medical care at the hospital and will be treated on an outpatient basis," head of the local military administration Oleksandr Prokudin said.
This morning at about 11:20 a.m., Russian troops shelled the Dniprovsky district of Kherson. The attack caused a warehouse with humanitarian aid to catch fire, and four people were injured.
A 69-year-old woman was injured. Authorities also confirmed that three residents of Kherson, aged 22, 23 and 46, had been hospitalized. Doctors are currently conducting examinations and providing assistance to the victims.
According to the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been initiated in criminal proceedings over violations of the laws and customs of war.
On January 4, Russian forces conducted 125 attacks, launching 639 shells from mortars, artillery, Grad missile launchers, tanks, aircraft, and drones. The enemy fired 31 shells at the city of Kherson.
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