18:07 04 Jan 2024

Ukrainian forces destroy Russian command center near occupied Sevastopol

On January 4, the Ukrainian Air Force carried out a successful operation in occupied Crimea. 

Explosions rocked the occupied cities of Sevastopol and Yevpatoria. Eyewitnesses shared videos of the hits, Rubryka reports, citing Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk and StratCom of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"On January 2, the 'Russian Ministry of Lies' reported hitting the bunkers with the deputy of the Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyo and nine other generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," said the head of the Air Force.

Oleshchuk also sent his regards to the Russian occupiers, saying, "I am looking forward to the enemy's propaganda presenting an equally epic report from Sevastopol and Yevpatoria on January 4. Once again, I express my gratitude to the Air Force pilots and everyone involved in planning the operation for flawless combat work!"

In turn, the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that around 3:00 p.m., they targeted the command post of the Russian occupation forces near Sevastopol.


Photo: Telegram / StratCom of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Earlier, it was reported that explosions rocked the Crimean cities of Sevastopol and Yevpatoria. Eyewitnesses claimed "air raids," while the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that they shot down ten missiles.

Севастополь, ракетна атака

Photo: Crimean Wind

Before announcing the air raid alert, the occupation authorities closed traffic on the Crimean Bridge.

Official Ukrainian authorities or military command did not comment on the situation at that time. The so-called "authorities" of the occupation also maintained silence.

In social media, reports surfaced about hits on a military unit.

"Reportedly, one Ukrainian missile was allegedly shot down, and the second one hit a military unit (communications command) in Yuharnyi Balaklava in Sevastopol. Our subscribers report that emergency services and firefighters are heading there now," said "Krymskyi Veter."

What we know about the destruction of Russian ships by the Ukrainian Forces

Overall, explosions are increasingly heard in Crimea. Ukrainian defenders have conducted dozens of operations on the peninsula and in the Black Sea, destroying Russian bases, warehouses, and ships.

In October 2022, SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) maritime drones attacked the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol Bay, damaging, among others, the frigate "Admiral Makarov."

In 2023, SBU drones targeted and damaged:

  • Missile carrier "Samum"
  • Missile carrier "Pavel Derzhavin"
  • Tanker SIG
  • Landing ship "Olenegorskiy Gornyak"
  • Tug "Nikolai Mur"
  • State-of-the-art reconnaissance-hydrographic ship "Vladimir Kozitsky."

In turn, the Chief of the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could hit the enemy in any part of temporarily occupied Crimea if necessary.


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