Incredible rescue: Ukrainian fighters bring their comrade out of Russian captivity with help of a drone

A Ukrainian serviceman who found himself in Russian captivity and was held in an enemy trench was guided by a drone to freedom. 

This extraordinary rescue story was shared by the 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade on their Facebook page, Rubryka reports.

The military released a video with comments from the fighters who took part in this operation.

Photo: Screenshot of the video of the 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade

According to the soldiers, after using a combat drone to eliminate the Russian military in an area controlled by the enemy, they noticed a tied-up Ukrainian soldier from another brigade in a trench.

Photo: Screenshot of the video of the 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade

Photo: Screenshot of the video of the 95th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade

"Our drone operator with the call sign Kevin started attracting the attention of the captive, flashing lights on the Mavic [drone]. The guy on the ground figured out that it was the drone of his comrades and began following our drone," the brigade shared. "As we were bringing our comrade out, another surviving 'orc' [Russian soldier, ed.] appeared. The Russian didn't see our 'bird,' which still had one grenade left. He started waving his hands to the Ukrainian soldier as if signaling him to come back. That's when Kevin threw a grenade at the occupant, neutralizing him, and continued leading our comrade out." 

What we know about the attitude of Russians toward Ukrainian prisoners of war

The "Association of Families of Azovstal Defenders" and Banda Agency have launched a campaign to draw attention to Russia's violations of the Geneva Conventions regarding the detention of prisoners of war.

"We know from those who have returned that Russian captivity means torture by hunger, keeping prisoners in unsanitary conditions, not being able to go outside for months, denying them medicine or medical assistance, regular beatings, electric shock torture, tattoo removal, tooth extraction with pliers, illegal public trials, not being able to communicate with relatives or visit representatives of international organizations, and hiding whereabouts of POWs," the organizers noted.

Rubryka also reported that recently, a video emerged on the Internet showing the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian invaders: the 82nd Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces confirmed that they were their fighters.

Also, during a skirmish with Ukrainian fighters near the settlement of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region, the Russian occupiers took three Ukrainian defenders captive.

Later, the Russian invaders shot them: the prosecutor's office initiated an investigation into the fact of the Russian shooting of Ukrainian soldiers.

Aggressors also recently committed another war crime in the Avdiivka direction near Stepove. Russian occupiers shot Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered as prisoners.

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