Moscow deems Ukraine’s access to Black Sea a threat – Ukrainian intelligence

The Kremlin views maintaining Ukraine's access to the Black Sea and promoting Western-oriented growth as a potential threat that may cause problems in the future.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that on Facebook.

"The military-political leadership, using its own assessment of Ukraine's situation, is planning further combat and special actions within the framework of the war against Ukraine," the Ukrainian intelligence notes.

Thus, the Kremlin focuses on reducing financial aid to Ukraine from the partner states.

At the same time, advisers to the leaders of terrorist Russia warn against thinking that Western aid will stop next year.

According to intelligence, the establishment of a pro-Western vector of development and preservation of Ukraine's access to the Black Sea is assessed by Moscow as a threat that could lead to "even greater problems" in the future.

Russians characterize the total disgust and contempt for the Russian Federation in Ukrainian society as a particular danger.

In Russia, in particular, the transition of Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine to the Ukrainian language is considered critical for them.

The public consensus that has emerged in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale Russian invasion is a source of deep frustration for leaders in the Kremlin.

As noted by Ukraine's intelligence, to once again attract former supporters of Russia among Ukrainians, Moscow "strategists" emphasize the need to present "an image of the future for Ukrainians under different scenarios of the special military operation."

The Kremlin has not clarified what they mean. Still, they have emphasized that the issue in Ukraine can only be resolved to Russia's benefit through a major overhaul of the ruling class and the use of force, according to intelligence reports.

At the same time, the Russians believe that a long war in Ukraine with the current configuration of global forces can lead to destabilization within Russia itself, so it seems that in 2024, the aggressor state will strengthen its repressive domestic policy, the Main Directorate of Intelligence emphasizes.

As Rubryka reported, according to the intelligence, Russia considers it necessary to destroy unity within Ukraine, in particular by conducting several hybrid subversive campaigns.
For reference:

It should be noted that in August, the head of Ukraine's Security Service, Vasyl Maliuk, reported about creating a unique marine surface drone, "Sea Baby." These UAVs are produced in Ukraine, but the factories are underground.

The Security Service of Ukraine also released a video of the training of the "Sea Baby" strike drones, which the Security Service of Ukraine used to attack the Crimean Bridge.

Recently, the Russian company KMZ introduced the "Dandelion" attack marine drone, designed according to a design similar to Ukrainian drones.

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