Фото: Офіс Президента
The town has been under active Russian siege since October this year, he mentions in his video address.
"Avdiivka. Our positions. Our men. Ukraine is defending its own here. And defends our entire nation. As well as on the entire front line. Donetsk region. Kharkiv region. Zaporizhzhia. Kherson region – the left bank. It is hard. It's painful. And these are the people who keep Ukraine alive. Life is being fought for here. And we are grateful to all the soldiers. To every soldier and sailor. Every sergeant, every officer who is carrying this war on their shoulders. I thank all of you, soldiers!"
The President congratulated the soldiers on Christmas and the New Year, who stand still on the ground and defend their homes.
"I am extremely grateful. And to all the families of our heroes. And to everyone who helps. Who works to ensure that the guys at the front have everything they need. And to everyone in the world who believes in us and does everything to make Ukraine do more," Zelensky summarized.
Tensions near Avdiivka
Ukrainian military noted that their troops continue to hold back the enemy, who keeps trying to surround Avdiivka.
The UK intelligence noted that the Russian army suffered heavy losses near Avdiivka, but there was no progress on three frontline areas.
The Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi noted that in the month since the Russians began actively storming the outskirts of Avdiivka, Russia has lost about 10,000 soldiers in this area.
Due to the escalation of the situation on the front line around Avdiivka, the supply of humanitarian aid to the city has been suspended, but the reserves will last for three months.
According to military analysts from ISW, the first Russian offensive in the area of Avdiivka on October 10 resulted in significant losses of Russian equipment. However, Russian troops regrouped and launched another offensive.
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