
Biden calls on Congress to approve additional funding for Ukraine without further delay in 2024

US President Joe Biden again called on Congress to step up the process of approving additional funding for Ukraine in 2024.

Biden reminded that on December 29 Russia struck a Ukrainian maternity hospital, a shopping center and residential areas, killing 30 civilians and injuring dozens.

"This is a stark reminder to the world that, after nearly two years of this devastating war, Putin's objective remains unchanged. He seeks to obliterate Ukraine and subjugate its people. He must be stopped."

He also added that if the US Congress does not approve new funding for Ukraine, the state will not be able to continue sending weapons and vital air defense systems that are needed to protect Ukrainian civilians.

"Congress must step up and act without any further delay."

The stakes in this struggle go far beyond Ukraine. They also affect the entire North Atlantic Alliance.

"When dictators and autocrats are allowed to run roughshod in Europe, the risk rises that the United States gets pulled in directly. And the consequences reverberate around the world. That's why the United States has rallied a coalition of more than 50 countries to support the defense of Ukraine."

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte previously has condemned Russia's latest missile attack and called on the world to continue to support Ukraine.

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