Illustrative photo. Source: Shutterstock
This was announced by the press service of the health ministry, Rubryka reports.
What's the problem?
According to the World Health Organization, a diagnosis of infertility is given when a sexually active couple not using contraception fails to achieve pregnancy within one year. It's a significant pathology affecting around 15% of couples worldwide, with various causes and consequences.
In Ukraine, the number of infertile couples is nearly 20%, meaning that, based on recent data, 800,000 couples in Ukraine struggle to conceive.
In 30-50% of cases, when investigating infertile couples, doctors find multiple reasons in both the woman and the man, which need to be considered during treatment. So, the issue of infertility is currently very serious.
What's the solution?
The Ministry of Health is introducing funding for reproductive technologies under the state-guaranteed medical services program for the first time.
According to information, the medical guarantees program for 2024 covers a new package of services, "Treatment of infertility using assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization)."
How does it work?
The rate for this new direction in infertility treatment for hospitals will be ₴60,324 per service provided. The estimated number of medical services is 30,400 cycles.
It is expected that 10,000 new babies will be born after artificial insemination.
Referrals for women to undergo the first course of infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies will be budgeted only based on medical indications.
To join the medical guarantees program for the "Treatment of infertility using assisted reproductive technologies (in vitro fertilization)" package, medical institutions must contract with the National Health Service during January 2024 using the full form.
"Societal pressures significantly reduce the reproductive functions of Ukrainians. While previously, this problem was addressed solely with private funds. Now, we provide the opportunity to access infertility treatment services for free. It is also essential to ensure the right to parenthood for soldiers. This decision will bring us more than 10,000 little Ukrainians every year," said Serhii Dubrov, the First Deputy Minister of Health.
Rubryka reported about helping those who want to become mothers but cannot and how to cope with the news of one's infertility. Read our article: Not pregnant: How to cope with the news of infertility.
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