20:57 28 Dec 2023

Latvia sends 32 electricity generators to Chernihiv schools and kindergartens

Фото: Телеграм / В'ячеслав Чаус/ Чернігівська ОДА (ОВА)

Schools and kindergartens in the war-battered Chernihiv region received 32 diesel generators of various capacities from Latvia.

The generators will help ensure uninterrupted power supply in educational institutions.

"We received an 18 kW generator for a kindergarten with 200 children. This is very important for us. Thanks to this help, we will be able to ensure the operation of the boiler room and kitchen.

So the premises will be heated and the children will be well fed even in the absence of electricity," said Daryna Halushka, director of the Dzhereltse kindergarten in Varvynka.

The city also expects to receive computer equipment for educational institutions from Latvian partners.

In early December, a Latvian delegation led by Vice Mayor of Riga Edvards Ratnieks visited Chernihiv. As part of the visit, the Vice Mayor of Riga handed over ten buses for the needs of Chernihiv, as well as humanitarian aid collected for Chernihiv residents by residents of the Latvian capital.

On the same day, four cars were handed over to Ogre, Chernihiv's Latvian sister city, for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Builders have begun major repairs to the Lesnaya Skazka kindergarten in the Chernihiv region, which was damaged by Russian missiles.

As previously reported, a maternity hospital damaged by Russian missiles during active hostilities in February-March 2022 was restored in Chernihiv.

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