22:00 27 Dec 2023

Ukraine has big plans for the American F-16 fighter jets – Air Force spox

Фото: armyinform.com.ua

Ukraine has "grand plans" for the American F-16 fighter jets that its partners are expected to deliver. The aircraft boasts a wide range of armaments, making them applicable on various fronts, says Air Force spokesperson Yurii Ihnat in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

The multifunctionality allows to use of the jets for strikes on ground targets at different depths of enemy defense, providing cover for attack aircraft, securing airspace in the Black Sea, protecting the country from enemy drones and missiles, and countering enemy ships.

"The F-16 has a wide range of weapons that can be used on a particular section of the frontline. This will help us gain air superiority and allow us to counteract the use of guided aerial bombs."

The Netherlands pledged to deliver 18 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine to help its battle against Russia's invasion, the Dutch government said on Friday.

According to Politico, Ukrainian pilots have started flight training on F-16s in the United States, and on October 25, they began actual flights on F-16s. Before this, they trained on simulators, aviation simulators that fully replicated the aircraft's cockpit.

On October 22, Ihnat announced that Ukrainian pilots would soon switch from aviation simulators to actual F-16 fighters, accompanied by instructors.

It is worth noting that on November 7, the Netherlands sent the first five F-16 fighters to Romania for training Ukrainian pilots, where they opened a special center.

The Ukrainian Air Force hopes that the first F-16s will likely arrive in Ukraine in the spring of 2024.


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