What's the problem?
Currently, Ukraine faces problems and challenges related to urbanization and innovation in cities, specifically:
What's the solution?
During the first Ukrainian Construction Congress in Kyiv, the developers unveiled a strategic platform for implementing the concept of a "Smart Sustainable City" in Ukraine.
A Smart Sustainable City is an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) and other means to improve the quality of life, the efficiency of urban functioning and services, as well as competitiveness. It aims to satisfy the needs of current and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental, and cultural aspects.
Such a city incorporates smart urban planning, technologies, energy efficiency, proper waste and water resource management, and more. This initiative belongs to the national developer ZEZMAN HOLDING.
"To win over the Ukrainians, it's not enough to provide basic security. Today, agglomerations and developing metropolises based on the principles of a Smart Sustainable City can compete with individual states, attracting talented and economically active residents worldwide," says Borys Holdenshtein, founder and CEO of ZEZMAN HOLDING. "Adopting and implementing the best international practices today accelerates the recovery and prosperity of Ukraine. Sustainable cities are only possible through effective partnerships among communities, the government, businesses, and international institutions. I am grateful to my colleagues with whom we have begun to unite these stakeholders on the Smart Sustainable City strategic platform. Transforming Ukraine through the transformation of cities is crucial."
How does it work?
The transformation formula for Ukrainian cities consists of four steps:
Only by following these steps can harmonious development of territories, modern infrastructure, and improved quality of life for people be achieved.
The transformation of Ukrainian cities into sustainable cities requires a comprehensive approach and joint efforts from the community, government, and businesses and is only possible through effective partnerships. Therefore, the strategic platform unites stakeholders around a Smart Sustainable City.
During the first panel discussion, Ukrainian developers shared their experiences with planning and building during wartime, transforming cities as a stimulus for the return of Ukrainians from abroad, and their overall vision for project implementation.
Participants in the discussion included Borys Holdenshtein, the event initiator, developer-urbanist, founder and CEO of ZEZMAN Holding; Nesia Ferdman, strategic consultant, author of the improvement methods; Denys Sichkov, investment director, Horizon Capital; Artur Lupashko, founder of Ribas Hotels Group, hotel developer; Vlodko Zotov, urban planner, bureau of initiative architecture "GA"; Yurii Hranovskyi, founder of "Agents of Change" and "Public Platform"; Yevhen Bokii, commercial director of UDP, and Serhii Rasputnyi, expert in civil construction safety.
On December 14, the first Ukrainian Construction Congress took place in Kyiv, during which participants expressed their thoughts and visions and discussed the Ukraine Reconstruction Formula.
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