
Russian soldiers faking attacks and surrendering in groups – Ukraine’s armed forces

In Ukraine, groups of Russian soldiers started surrendering, and one of the reasons for this was the inhumane treatment they received from their superiors.

Oleksandr Shtupun, the spokesman of the United Press Center of the Defense Forces of the Tavria front, told about this on the air of the Yedyni Novyni telethon.

"It should be noted that whole groups of Russian soldiers began to surrender. One of the reasons that the enemy does this is, one might say, the inhuman attitude of the command. Because for refusing to go on pointless assaults or for some other offense, the officers strip them naked – this is in winter – and put them in cold pits like that, beat them, and threaten them with shooting," Shtupun said.

He noted that there is currently data on the increasing number of refusals of the Russian military to participate in assault operations.

"In particular, this is recorded in subdivisions 1 of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation," the spokesman informed.

When asked about the extent to which Russians refuse to partake in deadly assaults, he replied that currently, there is only a small number of openly defiant groups.

"But very many, more and more occupiers are, shall we say, sabotaging or simulating attacks," the spokesman said.

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