Ukrainian youth honored with “Young Diplomat Award 2023” for their contribution to diplomacy

On December 22, on Diplomatic Service Worker Day in Ukraine, the award ceremony for the "Young Diplomat Award 2023" winners took place in Kyiv. 

This is the first award in Ukraine that recognizes the impact of youth on the development of diplomacy and international relations, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

With the onset of the full-scale Russian war, many Ukrainian youth found themselves abroad. Ukrainian young men and women study, intern, and work in foreign institutions, actively advocating Ukraine's interests on the international stage.

Abroad, they constantly face the influence of hostile propaganda, disinformation targeting a global audience and other challenges. To counter the consequences of such influences, Ukrainian youth abroad actively engage in youth diplomacy — communicating with local communities and organizations and implementing important projects and initiatives.

What's the solution?

To motivate and inform about the achievements and experiences of talented young leaders, the "United Youth" platform initiated the "Young Diplomat Award."

This initiative is designed to recognize the contributions of young Ukrainian diplomats to the development of Ukraine's international relations. In 2023, the award was supported by other youth organizations, including the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Family Foundation and the Ukraine-Denmark Youth House.

How does it work?

Fifteen nominees competed for the Young Diplomat Award 2023.

The winner was determined in two stages: public voting for finalists, discussions, and the selection of the winner by an expert jury. The expert jury included representatives from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Network for the Protection of National Interests "ANTS," the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Family Foundation, and others.

The award went to Artur Koldomasov, a disinformation analyst at "Detector Media," a US policy expert, a member of the NGO "Pan-European Youth of Kyiv Region," and an activist who interned at the Canadian Parliament.

"Thanks to the expert jury. Thanks to all the people who helped me implement projects and initiatives. This award is very important to me at this stage of life," said Artur Koldomasov.

The award ceremony took place at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. As part of the event, a panel discussion on the impact of youth on the global agenda took place, featuring Valerii Chalyi, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States (2015-2019), Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (2009-2010); Roman Hromyk, Political Affairs Advisor at the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine; Anastasia Shymchuk, Program Coordinator of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Family Foundation.

"Change the world, change it for Ukraine. You can become part of global transformations. It will be very pleasant to see today's winners on the world stage," noted Valerii Chalyi.

In addition to the award from the organizers, the award's partner, the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Family Foundation, selected the six best youth diplomacy cases for informational support.

In other news, 77-year-old Lviv resident Khrystyna Hoiuniuk became a record holder in Ukraine for the highest number of written annual dictations of national unity.

Earlier, it was reported that 16-year-old Diana Burdeina from the Chernivtsi region became a record holder in Ukraine in the nomination "The youngest Ukrainian who confirmed proficiency in English at level C-1 Academic."

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