
Russian forces shell DTEK thermal power plant, injuring five workers

The Russian Federation again shelled the DTEK thermal power plant. This time, five company employees were injured due to the enemy attack.

DTEK [Ukraine's diverse energy conglomerate] reports this.

"Today, after intense shelling, five energy workers working at the DTEK TPP in the front-line region were wounded," the company said.

According to DTEK, all employees who needed it were promptly provided with first aid and taken to the hospital.

"We are in contact with them and their relatives. We provide all the necessary assistance," the company added.

The company's equipment was also damaged.

"At the moment, the shelling continues. After it stops, the energy industry will start liquidating the consequences of the attack," DTEK added.

The company reported that this is the tenth attack on a front-line thermal power plant in the last two months. In general, in the regions where DTEK is present, about a thousand teams of power engineers are working on Ukraine's energy supply.

For reference:

It should be noted that there is a capacity deficit in the Ukrainian power grid, which has to be compensated by attracting emergency aid from European neighbors.

However, reasonable consumption will help to balance the power system and avoid scheduled shutdowns.

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