Solutions from Ukraine: ATB stores introduce innovative helper robots

Several ATB store locations in Dnipro and Kyiv have recently introduced an innovative addition to their services: the launch of Ukraine's first Delivery Cobot assistant robots. reports this.

What is the problem?

One might wonder why people would need robots if a person possesses excellent adaptability and endurance.

However, the broader the scope of various studies, the greater the amount of resources required for the successful implementation of missions. Therefore, monotonous and routine work began to be entrusted to unique digital algorithms.

Gradually, robots took over all complex and physically demanding procedures. Artificial intelligence is improving and developing.

Robots are involved in banking, medicine, and industry. And even entertainment now cannot do without the participation of these clever assistants. Every year, skillful mechanisms expand their range of capabilities, mastering an ever-increasing amount of a wide variety of work.

What is the solution?

Through many years of successful operation, ATB has established itself as not only the primary provider of fresh products to millions of households but also a leader and driving force in the retail industry. As a result, it is no surprise that the most cutting-edge and forward-thinking solutions originate from ATB.

ATB's most recent and ambitious project involved introducing Delivery Cobot assistant robots into their stores.


How does it work?

This latest technology is being tested and can only be found in select stores in Dnipro and Kyiv. It has definitely piqued the curiosity of buyers in these areas.

People take humorous selfies with them, embrace them, and attempt to pose the question, "Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Or perhaps the omelet?" and so on.

Delivery Cobot assistant robot. Photo:

Such a robot assistant, in contrast to push-stands:

  • does not take up space;
  • does not prevent shoppers with carts from freely moving through the shopping halls.

It is mobile and moves freely around the store.

Delivery Cobot assistant robot. Photo:

Delivery Cobot has a main screen (slightly larger than a regular tablet) and several shelves. It can not only help customers by visually informing them about specific products, prices, or promotional offers. The robot can also actually serve these goods.

Delivery Cobot assistant robot. Photo:

At the moment, robots are wandering around stores stocked with the most popular products from ATB's brands (such as "Svoya Liniya," Rozumniy Vybir," and "De Luxe F&G Selected").

It's worth mentioning that this project may eventually expand to all of the network's 1,200+ discounters in Ukraine, as many other innovations have.

For reference:

Interestingly, developed countries around the world are already embracing similar technology. For instance, machines like the Ukrainian "X1 PRO Delivery Cobot" are already being widely utilized to:

  • meet and inform guests in fashionable hotels,
  • independently treat vacationers at premium resorts with drinks and delicacies, etc.

Naturally, autonomous robotic assistants with advanced artificial intelligence will never replace gentle human interaction. Nevertheless, as evidenced by their widespread usage, they are incredibly efficient and tireless helpers.

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