Western Ivano-Frankivsk sells Christmas trees to purchase trench candles for Ukrainian forces

Western Ivano-Frankivsk started an eco-social campaign called "Live Christmas Tree in a Pot."

Authorities purchased 200 Christmas trees for the Ecological Center, so the money received from renting will be used to purchase natural wax for making trench candles, says Volodymyr Sheremeta, head of the ecology department.

What is the problem?

With the onset of cold weather and shorter daylight hours, Ukrainian troops must have trench candles in the forefront even more.

Ukrainian military have no way to keep warm or heat their food. It is not always possible for the soldiers to light a fire.

Trench candles can burn for a long and provide heat and light for many hours. They can also be used to heat food and boil water.

What is the solution?

The Ecological Center of the Ivano-Frankivsk Catholic Church purchased 200 blue fir trees and Korean firs. The activists want to use the profits from renting to purchase natural wax for making trench candles.

Volodymyr Sheremeta. Photo: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk

How does it work?

The renting costs range between $6 and $13, depending on the tree's height.

"We expect to collect donations for 150-200 kg of wax, which will be used to make more than a thousand trench candles. And traditionally, after the trees are returned, if the weather is favorable, we will plant them near churches as a symbol of restoration and approaching victory," Sheremeta said.

Four fir trees were rented by a military chaplain of the 114th Tactical Aviation Brigade, Father Volodymyr Dukhovych for the first time.

"I take the Christmas trees for my unit so that the military can see them and have joy. There are two large and two small ones. The small ones will be in the offices. The big ones will be in a more public place," he said.

Volodymyr Dukhovych. Photo: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk

Photo: Suspilne Ivano-Frankivsk

Sheremeta says the Ecology Bureau of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has been organizing the eco-social campaign for five years in a row.

In 2022, the Ecological Center purchased 70 kg of wax and made about 500 trench candles for Ukrainian forces.

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