Switzerland allocates $13 mln of winter aid for Ukraine

Switzerland has announced an additional 11.8 million Swiss francs worth of winter aid for Ukraine, which is about $13.66 million, press release says.

What is the problem?

The EU Commission states the total amount of damage to the environment and eco-infrastructure during Russia's war exceeds 52 billion euros.

According to Gennadiy Fariuk, Director of the State Research Institute of Building Structures, there are almost 160,000 buildings and structures in Ukraine that have been destroyed by Russian aggression, about 20,000 of them are multi-storey houses (as of October 2023).

Most of the destruction is shown in the liberated territories. Ukraine cannot restore its infrastructure on its own.

The state has a long way to go to rebuild, but the EU is ready to help us with this, both financially and in the form of technical assistance.

What is the solution?

Switzerland has announced an additional 11.8 million Swiss francs worth of aid for Ukraine in the winter, which is about $13.66 million.

How does it work?

The money will be sent to non-governmental organizations that provide assistance to Ukrainian citizens.

Switzerland's winter aid will amount to about 26 million Swiss francs 30 million dollars.

"This assistance has made it possible to repair almost 1,000 apartments and houses and distribute heating to approximately 1,300 households in the frontline areas," the Swiss government emphasized.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation will increase support for the UN Humanitarian Fund's assistance program in Ukraine by 1.8 million Swiss francs (about $2 million – ed.). The money will be spent on
heating winter clothing, rent support, and insulation of housing.

As part of the winter assistance program, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees will receive almost $3.5 million for refugees and citizens living in the territories affected by Russian aggression.

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