Germany provides Ukraine with 120 Marder infantry fighting vehicles

As part of the military aid to Ukraine, 120 Marder infantry fighting vehicles were allocated in Germany, some of which were purchased in Greece, the defense ministry reports.

These supplies come both from Bundeswehr warehouses and directly from industry.

"Germany supports Ukraine in its defense struggle against Russia. As the largest European donor and the second largest in the world after the United States, our material donations include, among other things, the latest air defense systems, armored support vehicles and vehicles, combat and armored personnel carriers, artillery systems and ammunition," the statement said.

Over 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been trained in Germany. The Defense Ministry explained that Ukraine was initially allocated 80 Marder 1 A3 infantry fighting vehicles, 40 Marder armored personnel carriers came from industrial stocks, and another 40 BMPs were purchased from Greece.


The Marder combat vehicle is well-protected by armor, fast, and well-armed. However, it is not without its drawbacks, having the main armament as a 20-mm Rheinmetall Mk 20 Rh202 cannon.

Modernized Marder armored personnel carriers at Rheinmetall. Photo: Bild

The German government instructed Rheinmetall to supply another 40 Marder vehicles to Ukraine.

In March, the company shipped the first 20 vehicles to Ukraine as ordered, currently being repaired and shipped.

Rheinmetall noted that the transferred vehicles are overhauled Marder 1A3 systems that previously belonged to the Bundeswehr. Back in the spring of 2022, Rheinmetall began to bring infantry fighting vehicles to immediate combat readiness at its own expense.

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