What is the problem?
The Kakhovka dam explosion led to serious ecological consequences, including the disruption of centralized water supply and the failure of sewage systems in many settlements of three nearby regions. Around 800,000 people were deprived of access to the proper water supply.
The situation has somewhat improved, and water supply has been restored in many areas, both under the state program and with international support. Various technological solutions have been found or are being sought by local community leaders and military regional administrations.
Yet problems still remain. In some areas, the sanitary indicators of technical water in houses exceed the norms several times, and citizens can get drinking water at special stations that are often far from their homes. A number of settlements remain without a centralized water supply due to frequent Russian shelling.
What is the solution?
On December 20, the Mercy Corps NGO sent over ten trucks with drinking water tanks to Ukrainian rescuers. These vehicles will be used to address the humanitarian crisis in the regions affected by the Kakhovka plant disaster in June this year, where the water supply has not been restored due to regular shelling and other challenges.
How does it work?
The organization responded to the Kakhovka dam explosion by supporting the affected locals through food packages and financial support. Earlier this year, Mercy Corps donated equipment to the State Emergency Service to equip more than 50 resilience centers in regions near the frontline.
Mercy Corps continues to actively cooperate with Ukrainian rescuers, providing not only resources but also tips to ensure the safety of teams working on the frontline, helping people living in unbearable conditions.
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